570-913 | CX 2000 Auto Refractometer / Keratometer

570-913 | CX 2000 Auto Refractometer / Keratometer
CX 2000 Auto Refractometer / Keratometer
Extremely fast operation
Auto alignment + auto shot
Pupil + cornea √ò measurement
Colour touch screen
Power motion joystick
Eletronic controlled chin rest
Central + peripheral k-values
The CX 2000 sets a new standard for modern eye diagnostic instruments using the latest electronic technology innovations. Thanks to the electronically controlled movement operation and alignment can be done by using either the power motion joystick and / or touch-screen – all in a fraction of a second. The Rodenstock CX 2000 conveys professionalism and ease of use by providing highly accurate measurements in a remarkably short examination time.
Auto-alignment + auto-measurement
Operating the CX 2000 couldn’t be easier. Simply align the measurement head towards the patient’s eye and the
instrument takes over, handling the fine adjustment and measurement all by itself. Once the first measurement is completed the colour touch-screen displays a prompt to automatically repeat the measurement process on the other eye.
Colour touch-screen
The 5.7” colour touch-screen is used to monitor operation and display the measurement results. The measurement head can be moved in all directions simply by touching the screen. All commands are inputted via touch-screen.
Extremely fast operation
The CX 2000 acquires measurement data for both refraction and keratometry remarkably fast in less than three seconds, making the most effective use of your time and maximising cost effectiveness.
Central + peripheral k-values
The CX 2000 provides keratometer values for the central (√∏ 3 mm) and peripheral (√∏ 6 mm) simultaneously within one
second. Measurement can be made from the cornea or the back surfaces of a RGP contact lens.
Power motion joystick
The CX 2000 is equipped with the newest joystick technology available. Five power motion modes ensure precise and silent movement of the head in all directions. You have the choice between coarse or fine movement towards the patient’s eye.
Refractive power measurement
Spherical (SPH) .................-25.00 D to +22.00 D (at VD=12.0 mm)
Cylindrical (CYL) ...............0 D to ±10.00 D (at VD=12.0 mm)
Display unit.......................0.01 D, 0.12 D, 0.25 D
Asti. axial angle (AXIS)......0° to 180°
Asti. display unit ..............1°
Minimum pupil √ò..............2.2 mm
Vertex distance.................0 mm, 12.0 mm, 13.5 mm,
14.0 mm, 15.5 mm, 16.0 mm
Measurement time............0.2 sec / single eye (data taking time)
Corneal measurement
Curvature (K1, K2, AVG)...5.00 mm to 11.00 mm
Display unit.......................0.01 mm
Refractive power
(K1, K2, AVG)...................30.68 D to 67.50 D (n=1.3375)
Astigmatism (CYL)............0 D to 10 D (n=1.3375)
Display unit.......................0.01 D
Asti. axial angle (AXIS)......0° to 180°
Asti. display unit...............1°
Cornea √∏ .........................3.0 mm / 6.0 mm (at 8.00 mm corneal curvature)
Measurement time............0.1 seconds / single eye (data taking time)
Pupillary distance measurement
Measurement range..........50 to 86 mm
Display unit.......................1 mm
Corneal and pupillary diameter measurement
Measurement range..........1 to 14 mm
Display unit.......................0.1 mm
Observation range............approx. 15 mm √ó 9 mm
Auto-alignment range
Directions.........................7 mm
Focusing direction.............5 mm
Main unit
Built-in printer...................Thermal printer
Movable part
Movement range
Front-rear.........................40 mm
Left-right..........................88 mm
Up-down..........................50 mm
Chin rest
Movable range..................70 mm
Data output type..............RS 232 c
Display..............................5.7” TFT
Dimensions and electric requirements
Dimensions (WxDxH).........300 √ó 493 √ó 466 mm
Weight.............................approx. 19 kg
Input.................................100 to 240 V AC
Frequency.........................50 / 60 Hz
Power consumption..........130 VA to 150 VA